Westlife Collection (for 10 years)
I lost some of the pins but luckily these 3 survived.
These pictures are the only one left. Most of the other pictures I placed it on a notebook or something, and some I post it on my drawer & study table. I remember when I bought each of these, I was a high school freshman then, I saved some money for a week to buy one picture, and then the next one and the next one. The store was located somewhere in a corner beside the road. I was so scared whenever I go there coz it's dark and scary and I was just a little girl back then but now when I reminisce about it, it's kinda funny.
I wanna thank my dude for buying me this, it's so cool but I never tried to touch or use it though.
I was in high school when I bought this, kinda expensive though.
It was a start of a school year when I saw this one and I didn't hesitate to buy it. It's amazing. I bought two of these but I lost the other one.
Some of the albums (3 or 4) I shared it with my two sis, we bought them together. The first album we bought was a cassette tape, it was their first album year 2000 and it's ten years ago. I can't believe how time flies so fast. The "Where we are" album was a Christmas gift from my sis. And I really hope to have the new album "Gravity" as my Christmas gift.. haha Just kidding... ;)
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